Monday, July 8, 2013


Abbey is a TEAMrider turned instructor! She grew up in Sacramento and is a die hard Sacramento Kings fan! She recieved her BA from the University of San Diego and completed her Masters in Education from National University. Abbey currently lives East Sacramento with her husband and Labradoodle. She loves being outdoors, skiing during the winter and playing on her boat or camping during the summer.

  2. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERTED ISLAND, WHAT ARE THE 5 THINGS THAT YOU WOULD WANT TO SURVIVE?  Sunscreen, my Nook, a VERY LARGE water bottle, connections to a phone or calling card to keep in touch with my family, and does having my husband there count as a need? There is no way I am capable of surviving a night full of way too many creepy sounds on my own.
  3. WHAT IS THE #1 MOST PLAYED SONG ON YOUR IPOD?  YIKES... that's a toughy... songs range from anything by Hall & Oates to Jay-Z to pretty much anything country.
  4. IF YOU COULD LEARN TO DO ANYTHING, WHAT WOULD IT BE?  Speak Spanish... and hopefully 3rd time is a charm after taking it both in high school and college.
  5. IF YOU WON THE LOTTERY, WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU WOULD DO?  Pay off my insane school loans accrued by my amazing years at USD!! And with the leftovers, I'd take my parents to Europe since they've sent my sisters and me everywhere... first class, of course!
  6. WHAT IS ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE QUOTES?  "Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music" -Ronald Reagan

Monday, February 25, 2013


Diana comes to us with a ton of knowledge and experience in the Health & Fitness industry. Not only can she answer any question our riders may have about exercise; with her warm and inviting personality, she will fit perfectly on the TEAM :)
Spotlight on Instructor, Diana Prince

Diana grew up in Portland, Oregon and has been an athlete her entire life. Not only has she competed in numerous Triathlons but she is also an Exercise Physiologist & Personal Trainer! At UC Davis Diana majored in Psychobiology and Exercise Science then received her Masters in Integrative Health Studies. Diana looks forward to sharing her passion for health, wellness, and fitness with our TEAMriders! 

1. IF YOU COULD BE ANY FICTIONAL CHARACTER WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE? Wonder Woman! I already sport her alter ego as "Diana Prince"...I'm just waiting for the superpowers to arrive! 
2. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERTED ISLAND, WHAT ARE THE 5 THINGS THAT YOU WOULD WANT TO SURVIVE? A knife, SteriPen, a satellite phone (for when I’m ready to be rescued), sunscreen and a hammock! 
3. WHAT IS THE #1 MOST PLAYED SONG ON YOUR IPOD? Too many to choose from now that I'm making playlists for TeamRide! (Flo Rida, Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga, Madonna...) 
4. IF YOU COULD LEARN TO DO ANYTHING, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Architecture/Landscape Architecture 
5. IF YOU WON THE LOTTERY, WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU WOULD DO? Pay off student-loans and then develop a non-profit organization/foundation and/or community clinic that provides integrative health, wellness and education to individuals and communities. 
6. WHAT IS ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE QUOTES? Dance as though no one is watching, Love as though you have never been hurt before, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though heaven is on Earth - Souza

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Getting to Know the TEAM

At the age of 11, Madeline Josa is by far our youngest rider! A ballet dancer in her free time, Madeline was last seen as a "party girl" in the Nutcracker. She is currently practicing for the Sacramento Ballet's upcoming adaptation of The Great Gatsby. With all this dancing, Madeline is a natural on the bike and can always be found, rocking a ballerina bun, riding in the front row :)

Spotlight on Rider, Madeline Josa
(click the photo below to watch the video)

Thanks to Madeline for agreeing to let us feature her and thanks to her parents for letting her be such a dynamic part of TEAMride! Ride On!