Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Lesson #3

People start businesses out of their garage all the time…right?  We can tell you at least one has!  TEAMride has started in a garage and a home.  Our Mother’s that is!  We had no idea, nor did she, that when we decided to start a business her house would become intimately involved.  Our Mother’s house and her heart have welcomed TEAMride and we have built our headquarters there for the past 8 months!

Lesson #3
The “When Your Space is Under Construction and No Packages Can be Delivered There…Let’s Hope You Have an Awesome Mom” Lesson

If we had formally asked our Mother 8 months ago if we could have 35 bikes, boxes of towels, shoes, weights and more piled in her garage and dining room we are pretty sure the answer would have been “No!” The fact that this chaos has been delivered slowly is perhaps our saving grace. 

Truly, though, 760 Laurel Dr. has become TEAMride Headquarters.  Her family room hosts weekly “training” rides with our instructors and 8-10 bikes have become more-or-less permanent fixtures in that room.  The dining room is our “office” with coffee cups and piles of paperwork strewn everywhere.  Our Mother has taken this all in stride.  She occasionally has a “freak-out” but who can blame her.  Frankly we are all surprised how well she is handling this, although there is really no alternative!  As we expectantly wait for TEAMride’s true home to be complete a small part of us will miss this stage: Having Mother moving about the house as we conduct business, being pleasantly surprised by a green drink when we need an afternoon “pick-me-up” or a meal served in the “office” just as we thought we couldn’t push on.  Our Mother, on the other hand, we are sure will not miss a single box, pile of paper or having to park outside!

Here’s to her: our Mother.  The one who dreams right along with us no matter how bumpy or intrusive the ride!


  1. Ana's the best. Your Mom truly ROCKS!

  2. Oh my goodness...complete chaos! Could you have imagined 24+ over there for Thanksgiving dinner?! We would have ALL been sitting on boxes! Although I bet staring at the bikes would have limited the caloric intake and dessert consumption! I would have been organizing the "office" the entire time ;)
