Thursday, September 27, 2012


This week we decided to spotlight some of the youngest members of the TEAM. First up, Alicia's children, Mia and George Canney. Here at TEAMride, we don't discriminate based on age, but we might feel the urge to hug and kiss you if you're under the age of 5 :)

Spotlight on... Mia & George

Getting to Know Mia Canney
As the only female grandchild, Mia is quite the little princess. Whether she's trying to convince us to buy her pink sparkly shoes or explaining the benefits of dessert for dinner, she always has a lot to say. So we decided to let her do the talking by asking her a few questions...

1. What is TEAMride? With a shrug of her shoulders: a cycling studio?
2. If you could spend your time doing only one thing, what would it be? Painting, because they have paint at my school and I like to make paintings for people... for my mom.
3. If you could have a super power, what would it be? Rainbow Power. You squirt rainbow webs or rainbow traps or rainbow soup out. Because this is my favorite thing. My name would be Glorious Strawberry Rainbow!
4. Where do you think would be the most exciting place to live? The play of Wicked
5. What is your favorite word right now? "Please" and "Thank you" because when I say these words I get something that I want!
6. If you could swap places with anyone in the world for just a day, who would you choose? Why? Like in a costume? I have a princess costume and I like to dress up as princesses. Like that?
7. Favorite color: Pink and purple
8. Favorite flower: Daisies... pink ones
9. Favorite Food: Macaroni & cheese
10. Favorite Character: Ariel because she swims in the water

Getting to Know George Canney 
George, the youngest of the grandchildren (at least for a couple more days), is the most easy going of the bunch. He is constantly staring intently out of those huge brown eyes, but don't be fooled by his good looks, he is more than happy to loudly inform you what he would like with his rapidly expanding vocabulary. Below are some questions, answered on his behalf by his mother, though we're sure she got the answers spot-on...

1. If you could spend your time doing only one thing, what would it be? Chasing squirrels and watching trucks go by!
2. Favorite flower: Any flower. I love to smell each and every one
3. Favorite Food: Cookies
4. Favorite movie: Toy Story
5. Favorite Character: Buzz Lightyear because he gets to be in space

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Celebrate Your Life With Exercise

Today’s world has us overworked and overstressed.  It’s a fact that most of us rush through our days from one to-do to the next and we soon find ourselves feeling unfulfilled and on empty.  The quick fixes: Chocolate, an extra glass of wine or a shopping spree have a temporary joyous effect.  However, in the long run, these behaviors could do more harm than good. 

Want a better solution? Exercise!  That’s right.  Exercise has been proven to not only boost endorphins during your workout but has long term positive benefits as well.  Allow TEAMride to be your place for joy.  We promise to build your strength and your confidence. We promise to sweat together and laugh together.  We promise to bring more joy to your day, your week, your life.

After all, this time is all we have and who doesn’t deserve a little more joy?


What's Your Favorite Way to De-Stress? free polls 

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Thursday, September 20, 2012


TEAMride is more than a fitness studio, it is also a community.  This is what inspired us to kick off our weekly "Getting to know the TEAM" spotlight where we feature the wonderful people that comprise TEAMride. This week we decided to spotlight the person who raised us and without whom none of this would have been possible...

Spotlight on our mother, Ana Katnik

We like to say that mom has drunk from the fountain of youth! Her energy and enthusiasm in everyday life is truly enviable. We can only hope these characteristics are hereditary :)

She is a loving grandmother, or "Bella", to 3 (soon-to-be 4) grandsons and 1 granddaughter, and she can often be spotted teaching them about perennials and annuals in the backyard. We think it's safe to assume mom's youthful exuberance isn't going anywhere. 

1. Currently playing on your iPhone: The Promise, Tracy Chapman
2. San Francisco or Tahoe? Tahoe
3. Favorite Season: Spring
4. Favorite Hobby: Gardening, dancing, yoga & snow skiing
5. Morning Person or Night Owl? Night Owl
6. Describe yourself in one word: Compassionate
7. Any phobias? Claustrophobia... but it's not full blown
8. Favorite TV show: Glee, Smash & Dancing with the Stars
9. Favorite Flower: Well, I love the Dogwood Tree which flowers in the Spring
10. Favorite Quote: "There's no time like the present"

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012


You mention the words “spinning” or “indoor cycling” and almost immediately you can see a look of dread and intimidation come over the listeners face; why is that?  Indoor cycling has traditionally been viewed as an intense and rigorous workout and perhaps not suited for those of us who aren’t in tip-top shape and not to mention a bit monotonous.  Enter TEAMride.

Here are 5 ways TEAMride is changing the way people think about indoor cycling:
  1. There is nothing monotonous about a 45-minute class driven by music.  The beat of the music fuels you to push harder and dig deeper.
  2. We actually make working-out fun! The group energy is contagious.
  3. We don’t just love legs.  We want your arms and abs to be toned and tightened too!
  4. The instructors are passionate.  They work hard to make your ride a memorable one.
  5. The studio itself was designed solely for this purpose: to bring people together for a great ride.  The entire place will inspire and rejuvenate you!
Don’t take our word for it.  Head to our website and reserve a bike in an upcoming class!  

Experience indoor cycling TEAMride style.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Thanksgiving 2011 began as most of our holidays do, surrounded by family and lots of talking.  One evening we gathered around the kitchen table and, like dozens of times before, began brainstorming business ideas.  What was different this time that made us take the leap?  We’re still not sure.  We had many great ideas prior, but, for some reason, this one stuck and we ran (or cycled) with it!
TEAMride has been a labor of love these past 10 months.  We have honed our vision and executed our dream with the help of so many from our community - family and friends alike.
Our health is our greatest gift and at TEAMride we honor that gift.  We believe that this little studio on “H” will be a home.  We will be inspired by our workout and change our bodies together, with a community willing to ride.
Today we leap with great anticipation that this dream of ours finds its way into the hearts of many.