Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

We’ve heard it all: “You girls are nuts!” “Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to own your own business?” “Do you even know what you’re doing?” To all this we say, “yes, we are a little nuts, it’s harder than we could have imagined and we’re learning everything necessary along the way.” The truth is, you have to be a little nuts to do this, and we’re okay with that.

For the next few weeks, we are going to highlight some of the biggest lessons we've learned while building TEAMride. Whether you aspire to one day own your own business or not, enjoy these tidbits from 4 sisters dreaming big.

The “Thank goodness we are sisters otherwise one of us would be dead” Lesson.
(Not widely taught at leading Business Schools, we understand, but true none-the-less.)  

We are still a bit mystified how anyone other than blood relations can start a business together and come out friends on the other end.  Yet, wide held knowledge claims it is most difficult to start and operate a business with family.  What do they know? Or is it what do we know?

This little lesson has come up time and time again.  The oldest sister, Teresa, has reached a pitch none of us have ever heard.  Alicia has cried more tears than we thought possible.  Michelle has, in her mind, made the ultimate sacrifice: Leaving New York for Sacramento and Elena has been surprisingly diplomatic.  Battles have been fought, resolutions reached and no one has been killed. Yet. 

In the end we have put the nasty aside and moved beyond most of the fear.  We look back now and laugh and marvel at the fact that we still want to do this together; that our love as sisters can carry us through anything.  There is something so real about wanting to kill each other one moment and the next being so grateful we are in this life together.  We are business partners and sisters: A powerful combination and, we like to think, unstoppable!

The SECOND lesson?  Read next Tuesday's Blog where we will continue "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" series.


  1. AHAHAHHA. "Elena is being surprisingly diplomatic" is the best line...ever.

  2. So proud of each of you! I love this series of blog posts too...very well written and entertaining!
